Trusted Suppliers

Trusted Suppliers

We source products from trusted suppliers, many of whom we have known personally for many years (sometimes even decades!). Our suppliers are in the market for the long term - they are not after a quick buck. They want to be providing benefits for your pets for years to come.

These long relationships mean that there is a two-way bond of trust. You can harness the benefit of that trust, in knowing that our suppliers will not substitute or make changes to products without informing us. Nor will we accept changed products that are not proved to provide any extra benefits for your pet. You can also rest assured that in the unlikely event that you ever have a problem with a product from us, we will work with our suppliers to get to the bottom of the matter and rectify things. Your statutory rights are not affected.

PetSmile has been working for the benefit of the Nation's Pets' oral health since 1999. We know you can trust us, and in turn, we trust our suppliers.

Vet's Retail Area